The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have sent their best wishes to the Princess of Wales

Prince Harry and Meghan break silence over Kate’s CANCER news

The Princess of Wales revealed that she was receiving cancer treatment, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared a statement wishing her well.

Prince Harry and Meghan said, “We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace.”

Over the past 18 months, there has been tension in the relationship between Harry and Meghan, as well as between Kate and her husband Prince William. It is unknown if Harry has also spoken to his sister-in-law in private.


Kate has revealed her cancer diagnosis
Photo: © Chris Jackson


The 42-year-old Princess made her abdominal surgery successful in January, but at the time, no tests had indicated that she had cancer. She disclosed this information in an emotional video that she released on Friday, March 22. But after the surgery, tests revealed that cancer had existed, and she is currently receiving prophylactic chemotherapy.

The video was shot in Windsor on Wednesday, March 20. “This of course came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family,” Kate said in the clip.

“This has taken time, as you can imagine. In order to begin my treatment, I had to take some time to heal from a major surgery. Above all, though, it has taken some time for us to reassure George, Charlotte, and Louis that everything will be alright and to explain everything to them in a way that is suitable for them.”


Meghan and Harry have released a statement
Photo: © Getty Images


Kate went on, “By concentrating on the things that will support my healing—in my mind, body, and spirit—I am well and growing stronger every day. It also gives me a great deal of comfort and confidence to have William by my side. As is the affection, encouragement, and kindness so many of you have shown. It is really important to us both.”

The statement from King Charles stated that he is “so proud” of his “beloved” daughter-in-law Princess Kate, who is also receiving cancer treatment. His Majesty is “so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did,” according to a spokesman for Buckingham Palace.

We are aware that the King has “remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks” since their hospital stay together earlier this year. Charles and Kate received treatment at The London Clinic.


King Charles with Prince William and Kate
Photo: © Getty Images


Meghan and Harry appeared in Los Angeles on Thursday, March 21, at the Kinsey African American Art and History Collection event at SoFi Stadium, just hours before Kate released the video.

Meghan was heard saying to guests in an event video that was shared on attendee Matheos Coehlo’s Instagram: “I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, the extension of that can mean you’re vocal about your success, they’ll see you and say you deserved it.” And ideally you arrive at that location. Many thanks therefore to the Kinsey family.”

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