Archie Harrison and Lilibet Diana are being raised by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in Montecito, California, where their firstborn is attending full-time preschool alongside his young friends.
However, nothing makes the three-year-old happier at the end of the day than seeing his mother, who meets him at the school gates.

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As described by journalist Allison P. Davis in an interview for The New York Times, Meghan brought Allison P. Davis along when she went to pick up Archie.
He runs toward her while repeating “Momma, Momma, Momma” in a small voice, so eager to see her that he leaves his lunchbox on the ground, according to Allison. They both close their eyes as she snatches him up in a bear hug that is so genuine in its emotion.
Harry is also greeted with joy as a result of Archie’s display of love for both the mother of two and Harry.
The article stated, “Archie leaps out as we approach the house.” “As Harry hangs up the phone, Archie wraps himself around his legs.”

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Meghan revealed the endearing ritual she has with Archie on their way back home, adding to the documentation of Harry and Meghan’s household and parenting style in Montecito, California.
“If he [Archie] forgets to say please or thank you, Meghan reminds him of the manners that make the man,” Allison wrote during the car ride.
“At a stoplight, she [Meghan] reaches into the trunk and produces a brand-new black backpack and hands it to her security detail to give to an unhoused man on the corner,” she continued.
“They are showing Archie that not everyone lives in a house, some do, some do, and some live in a house between two others,” they said. They created kits to distribute that included granola bars, water, and peanut butter crackers. Then Archie says, “I ate one!”

Harry’s long-awaited memoir, Spare, was published earlier this month. Harry has previously stated that he has always yearned to be a father.
Harry discusses becoming a father and starting a new life in Montecito with his wife, Meghan, in the book’s concluding chapters.
In the acknowledgements of Spare, Archie and Lilibet are also mentioned. Above all, Harry expressed his gratitude to Archie, Lili, his mother-in-law (also known as Grandma), and his incredible wife for “too many millions of gifts and sacrifices, great and small, to ever enumerate.”