The late Queen was one of the most photographed people in history and an inspiration to millions of people everywhere.
The monarch was undoubtedly accustomed to having her image captured and circulated around the world during the course of her 70-year reign. But there was a side of herself that she preferred to keep hidden in photos.
Rankin, a renowned photographer, was one of those fortunate enough to interact with the Queen. One of the ten photographers chosen to photograph the Queen for her Golden Jubilee in 2002, he later made a startling revelation about the monarch.
In a pre-Queen’s-death interview, he described the sitting as follows to the Tea with Twiggy podcast: “Of course, when she entered, you felt a wave of empowerment.
“She just had that aura that I’ve never experienced before, and she was hilarious right away. When I said, “I really want to take a picture of you holding the sword,” she responded, “I don’t like my hands.”
“That, in my opinion, is the best “get out” for wielding the sword. It’s probably inappropriate for me to say this, but she is so intelligent, and everything she said in response had an amazing twist.
“It was simply incredibly brilliant. Although I only spoke to her for five minutes, I found it to be wonderful.”
Rankin went on to say that he had seen the Queen joking and laughing with a footman before the shoot, and that was something he wanted to photograph.
Via The Times, he stated: “She was walking down this corridor while I was in the throne room, and I could see both she and the footman. They were both cracking up with laughter, and I thought, “That’s what I want.” So, I had that on my mind the entire time.
“I received an absolutely incredible note from the curator stating that my photograph of her is one of their favorites, which I believe to be the Palace’s favorite, as she is clearly laughing in my image.