This Is What Prince Harry Is Banned From Doing Since He’s Stepped Down

Prince Harry’s announcement that he and his wife, Meghan Markle, would both be stepping down as senior royals caused scandal among the royal family. Additionally, the couple reportedly admitted that they preferred a more secluded existence for themselves and their young son Archie by settling in a country halfway between the UK and Canada. Thus, continuing to be in the public eye as royalty wasn’t an option. Harry appears committed to making the new arrangements work, but it appears that his choice has cost him a lot of perks.

1.A large exit


But their departure wasn’t entirely unexpected. Yes, Harry and Meghan had already made it known that they weren’t wholly pleased with the way the British press appeared to have handled them, despite just being a royal couple for around 18 months prior to this declaration. Meghan stated, “When I first met my now-husband, my pals were incredibly delighted because I was so happy,” in a well-known ITV interview with journalist Tom Bradby in October 2019. However, my British pals assured me that he was fantastic. However, you shouldn’t since it will ruin your life, according to the British tabloids.


2. Tight lip


She said, “I have mentioned to H – that’s what I call him – for a long time that it’s not enough to merely survive anything, right? The purpose of life is not that. You need to be successful and content. I made a concerted effort to acquire the British mentality of keeping a stiff upper lip. I did my best. But I believe that it probably causes a lot of internal harm.


3. A challenging job


Harry also had a lot to say about their predicament. Part of this position, he explained to Bradby, was putting on a brave front and showing some cheek while dealing with a lot of these stuff. Again, there are obviously many things that hurt for both my wife and me, especially when the majority of them are untrue.


4. Media attention


And it appears that the pair ultimately buckled under the strain the media put on them. The pair sent a statement on Instagram on January 8, 2020, shocking the entire globe. “After many months of contemplation and internal deliberations, we have chosen to make a change this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution [the royal family],” the statement, which came directly from the duke and duchess, stated.


Taking a step back


We intend to step aside as’senior’ members of the royal family and strive toward becoming financially independent while continuing to completely support Her Majesty The Queen, the statement continued. Your support, especially in the last few years, has helped us feel ready to make this change. As we continue to uphold our obligations to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages, we now intend to split our time equally between the United Kingdom and North America.


6. Family resentment


Other royal family members apparently weren’t particularly pleased with this announcement. See, there were allegations that the Sussexes had not informed them or Buckingham Palace about it. As a result, the Palace’s response was incredibly succinct. Discussions with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are still in the early stages, it simply stated. Although we can see the desire to adopt an alternative strategy, these are challenging problems that will take some time to resolve.


7. Given a lot


Following the announcement by the Sussex, the British publication The Daily Mail apparently spoke with some members of the royal staff. And allegedly one of them added, “People had gone above and beyond for them. They received their dream wedding, their dream home, their dream office, the funding they needed for it, the employees they wanted, the tours they wanted, and their family’s support. What else did they require?


8. Cons of becoming a monarch


Harry and Meghan, though, benefited greatly from their position as royals. But it’s not all fun and games being a senior member of one of the most illustrious institutions in the world. There is a large list of things that royals either can’t do – or have to do – in addition to the claimed media intrusion.


9. Respect the Queen


Yes, you must adhere to royal protocol while the Queen is present, even if she is your grandma. Men are expected to properly nod when she arrives, whilst women are expected to curtsy. Additionally, everyone in the room must stand whenever the monarch enters or exits a space. It doesn’t sound so horrible, does it? There are also a lot of other things that need her permission.


10. Approval for marriage


Royals aren’t permitted to get married without the Queen’s consent, according to the law. And this custom dates back to the Royal Marriages Act of 1772, which was centuries ago. It is stated that King George II objected to his brother marrying a commoner, which is how this statute initially came to be. The rule states that before getting down on one knee, all infatuated royals must obtain the monarch’s approval. Although the Queen approved Harry’s proposal to Meghan, what would have happened if she hadn’t?


12. Accept the dress.


Even the family wedding gowns are expected to receive the Queen’s blessing. For instance, Kate Middleton informed the monarch about the wedding dress designs before she wed Prince William, according to Harper’s Bazaar. Meghan also reportedly did the same with her chic Ralph & Russo outfit. It seems that you can’t just wear what you want when you’re a royal, not even on your special day.


12. Dress code


Members of the royal family must also abide by certain dress codes, particularly for ladies. Ladies are required to wear tights since it is inappropriate to have bare legs. Additionally, it appears that the Queen prefers modest skirts, with hems that either skim the wearer’s knees or end just below them. A royal is also unlikely to have colored nail polish on because the Queen apparently favours natural nail colors.


13. Avoiding politics


Additionally, it is forbidden for royals to proclaim their political views. The British government has depended on the idea that monarchs should never engage in the operations of the state because they serve as the country’s symbolic head of state rather than making political decisions. As a result, the Queen and most other royals rarely express their opinions on politics.


14. Being impartial


Victoria Arbiter, a writer for CNN and a royal expert, expanded on this idea for Time magazine in 2019. You have to be very careful about how everything represents the Queen, she continued. She is a leader of state who is apolitical. The family also takes great care to avoid embarrassing her in any way when they travel.


15. Military commitments


In addition, being a royal carries obligations beyond simply obeying the Queen. And one duty that many royals have carried out over the years is military service. Harry naturally enjoyed his time in the military. He served as a pilot in Afghanistan and later rose to the position of commander of an Apache aircraft. He then founded the Invictus Games, a sporting competition for disabled service members, as a result of his wartime experiences.


16. Fatherly obligations


However, those times are long gone now that Harry has stepped down from his position as a senior royal. A few days after the prince had announced the royal departure, one of Harry’s army mates, JJ Chalmers, gave some insight into the prince’s mentality. Yes, Chalmers stated, “He’s less the captain in the army that I used to know, and he’s more the parent – and when I see him, that’s the first thing that comes up,” while appearing on Britain’s The One Show.


17. Keeping his family safe


“And I think the decision [Harry] has made] is to defend his family, because that’s the number one rule… to be a father and to be a husband,” Chalmers concluded. Every husband and every father wants to keep their wives and children safe.


18. The simple fact


On January 19, 2020, during a charity event, Harry finally opened up about his challenging choice. “I want you to hear the truth from me, as much as I can reveal,” he said. “Not as a Prince or a Duke, but as Harry, the same guy that many of you have watched grow up over the last 35 years,” he added. My home and favorite places are in the United Kingdom. That won’t alter at all.


19. A challenging decision


But he continued, “Once Meghan and I got married, we were happy, we were optimistic, and we were here to serve. It saddens me greatly that it has come to this for those reasons. I did not make the choice for my wife and I to take a step back lightly. After so many years of difficulties, there had been so many months of discussions. There truly wasn’t any other choice in this case, and I’m aware that I don’t always get it right.


20. Life is rushing at them quickly


Following the news’s release, there was a lot of discussion in the British press about Meghan and Harry’s new financial arrangements. Most importantly, how were they going to generate income after they stopped working as royals? Others in the family who are considered to be “non-workers” really have regular occupations, such as Princess Beatrice, who has worked in consulting and banking. She was never a working royal, in contrast to Harry, though.


21.Career of Meghan


According to one rumor, Meghan, a former actress, had a contract with Disney under which she would provide the voice for one of their projects. This came to light controversially after Harry was seen on camera allegedly openly pitching his wife to the company’s CEO at the London premiere of The Lion King. You see, they made their shocking statement months before this occurred. Additionally, it was unclear exactly what this work will be used for. The House of Mouse will reportedly donate to the organization Elephants Without Borders as a way of saying “thank you” to Meghan for her work, according to The Times.


22. Expensive deals


The duchess was also said to be considering a career in fashion, according to speculations. According to a report in The Sun newspaper, an anonymous insider claimed that “Meghan is well connected in the fashion industry, and there are a lot of prominent companies who would like to cooperate with her on projects.” Givenchy has already been the subject of ongoing conversations. These transactions may be worth millions of pounds.


23. Security precautions


The expense of Harry and Meghan’s security was still in doubt, despite the fact that they are unlikely to ever be in need. Even though the couple had made the decision to spend some time in Canada, they would still need security due to their royal family status. Additionally, the cost of such a high level of security is expensive.


24.Logistical problems


The Telegraph newspaper reported that a “well-placed security source” said, “You can’t expect the Met Police [London’s major police force] to provide the security. They lack the authority to conduct business in Canada. They wouldn’t be permitted to carry weapons. It’s just impossible for Met police to enter and exit Canadian airports armed.


25. Money issues


They reportedly continued, “Security will need to be provided locally. The Canadians will be required to make payment and then bill the British government for it. Additionally, there was the matter of paybacks. You see, Harry and Meghan had previously stated that they intended to reimburse the British taxpayers for the millions they had spent on the renovation of Frogmore Cottage.


26.Prince Charles’ account


However, there was also talk that Prince Charles might contribute part of the money the newlyweds needed. The Telegraph reports that Harry’s father will reportedly provide “private financial support” for Harry and Meghan. Instead of coming from the Duchy of Cornwall estate, this money would come from Charles’ personal finances.


27. Disbursing money


Unfortunately, leaving the royal family also meant giving up their claim to the money to which royals are entitled. But it appears that Harry and Meghan are prepared to make that sacrifice. But the pair has been deprived of many more privileges than just this one.


28. The uniform is gone


Harry will no longer be permitted to attend formal royal occasions while dressed in his military uniform, despite having served in Afghanistan. Harry has consented to resign from his three titular posts in the military because this honor is only given to individuals who are already serving. The prince will therefore be required to wear civilian attire to all services, including Remembrance Sunday, even though he is permitted to wear his earned medals.


29. Losing a piece of who he was


The former commander of the Royal Navy, Lord West of Spithead, spoke candidly about the circumstance to The Telegraph. It is quite unfortunate, he told the newspaper. Losing him from the military is incredibly heartbreaking. Many Royal Marines members had voiced their concerns that they didn’t want a part-timer handling such a crucial duty.


30. The end of his title


In addition, Harry had to give up his title, which was a significant privilege. As they are no longer active members of the royal family, Harry and Meghan “shall not use their HRH titles,” according to the official statement from Buckingham Palace on the subject. This implies that Harry will no longer be referred to as His Royal Highness, as he has been since his birth.


31.Future of Archie


Harry and Meghan can still be referred to as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, though. However, as his parents didn’t want him to have a title, their son Archie has none at all. Yes, they declared that their firstborn would be known simply as Archie Mountbatten-Windsor after he was born.


32.A failed trademark attempt


The fact that Harry and Meghan will have to renounce their brand name, “Sussex Royal,” is more troublesome. Both their Instagram and their official website go by that name, and according to The Guardian, they even made a contentious trademark application in June 2019. Now that they have to choose a new name, the couple supposedly has a huge problem with this need.


33.Non-profit naming


The Sussexes’ non-profit organization, when it is announced this spring, will not be called the Sussex Royal Foundation, a spokesperson for the couple said after the Queen made this decision. “While the duke and duchess are focused on plans to establish a new non-profit organization, given the specific U.K. government rules surrounding use of the word royal, it has been therefore agreed,” the spokesperson told The Guardian.


34.Their own brand


According to a source who claimed to be an insider who spoke to the Daily Mail, “In many respects, this is predictable, given their willingness to stand down. But the couple must undoubtedly take it hard because they have devoted everything to building the Sussex Royal brand. However, the Queen would not have had much of a choice.


35.No half measures, please


Additionally, they allegedly said, “The Sussexes’ original plan—to be working royals who spent half their time outside the palace—was never going to succeed. They are still cherished members of the Queen’s family, as she has made clear. However, they cannot promote themselves as royals if they are not performing official tasks and are instead looking for other business opportunities.


36. The recognized term


The couple also appeared to discuss the subject on their website. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex do not intend to use “Sussex Royal” or any other iteration of the word “Royal” in any territory (either within the U.K. or otherwise) when the transition occurs in Spring 2020, according to a statement that said, “While there is no jurisdiction by The Monarchy or Cabinet Office over the use of the word “Royal” overseas.”


37.An annual review


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have a 12-month review period in place, Meghan and Harry added on their website, “While there is precedence for other titled members of the royal family to seek employment outside of the institution.” Evidently, though, not everyone approved with that assertion.


38. Internal conflict



Yes, according to a report in The Mirror from an unnamed source, “the newest sequence of comments published on the Sussexes’ website comes across as quite petulant and has created a great deal of worry inside [Buckingham] palace. This is more proof that Harry and Meghan are alienating the family even more, rather than trying to mend fences.


39. A thrilling stage



Therefore, it is unlikely that the general public will ever know for sure what occurs behind closed doors. But it’s an odd turn of events for a couple who, before choosing to live outside the monarchy, seemed to be looking forward to becoming senior royals. The website for Sussex Royal, which is still under construction, mentions an upcoming “exciting phase.” And this, it appears, will take the shape of the couple’s nonprofit corporation. The couple’s future should be happier as a result.

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One comment

  1. Darlita Stephens

    I’m going to say for now is that was interesting read..

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