Prince Harry seems to have undergone a true Californian makeover since arriving in the US, the land of A-listers and celebrities en masse.
The 37-year-old Duke of Sussex has a noticeably different appearance now than when he lived in the UK, and he appears to be beaming a dazzling megawatt smile.
After Harry spoke with Good Morning America before the premiere of his docuseries with Oprah Winfrey, The Me You Can’t See, last year, his pearly whites first gained attention.
Especially when looking back and contrasting with photographs from his time in the UK, his toothy transformation could not go unnoticed on the show.

Photo: Getty Images
In 2020, the royal and his spouse Meghan Markle moved to the US after announcing their unexpected decision to leave the royal life. Along with their one-year-old daughter Lilibet and three-year-old son Archie, the couple is contently settled in Montecito, Santa Barbara.
Earlier this month, the couple took a flight back to the UK for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, where little Lilibet, who turned one over the historic weekend, had her first encounter with the Queen.
The introduction was conducted in private, and there was no official meeting photo released.

Photo: Getty Images
But her parents did share a lovely picture of Lili on her special day, which was taken in the grounds of Frogmore Cottage and has an uncanny resemblance to her father Harry.
The young girl is seen in the picture sporting a baby blue dress and a white bow in her hair. She shares Harry and Archie’s gorgeous ginger hair with her.
Misan Harriman, a close family friend and guest who attended the informal, private backyard picnic at the Sussexes’ UK home, took the photo.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex said in a statement that they were “amazed to learn that people around the world made donations amounting to over $100K to the World Central Kitchen (WCK) in her honor” and that they “remain incredibly touched by the countless birthday wishes for their daughter, Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor.”

The Sussexes didn’t attend all of the Jubilee weekend events, but they did show up quietly for the Trooping the Colour ceremony on Thursday, where they were photographed jokingly shooing away younger members of the royal family like Isla Phillips and Mia Tindall.
Harry, you looked amazing before you came to the US and you still do now. Our little one, SOPHIA DIANA MOUNTBATTEN-WINDSOR, is absolutely perfect…down to her little fingers. I could just gobble up her little cheeks…lol. She’s her daddy’s mini-me, which is absolutely cool with me. I don’t care what her skin color is, what her hair color is, what her hair texture is..etc. She could be green for all I care and I’d be just as crazy about her because she is ours….a combination of you and I. All I care about is that she is healthy, happy and thriving. Aesthetics aren’t important to me. I am curious to see how her features develop as she ages. Grant it, I may not still be alive to see what she looks like when she is a young lady (thanks to Obama and Trump), but it would be cool if she inherited some of my facial features or physique. That way you can see me in her when I’m gone. I know she already has my temperment. I hope she has inherited my spice, too, in case she needs it.
Sophia is to you like I was to my father….her father’s spitting image. There was no such thing as paternity testing when I was born in 1973, but my mom didn’t need one because out of all 6 of my father’s children, I’m the only one he couldn’t deny even if he tried. As a newborn, I actually looked like I was Asian and black but as soon as I lost my newborn appearance, gained normal baby weight, and my color came in, I looked as if he had spit me out…LOL. For real. He even gave me the nickname, MeeMee, because he said “whenever I look at you I see me”. All of his side of my family tree called me that up until the last time I saw them, which was at his funeral in March 2017. I’m just happy that Soph will have her daddy in her life, throughout her life. because that’s important to me.