Kate Middleton : There have been rumours that Queen Elizabeth is on the verge of retiring. The queen, on the other hand, has not yet retired at the age of 93. She’s still clinging to her throne with both hands.
However, Queen Elizabeth has delegated some responsibilities. Her heirs, including her granddaughter in law Katherine, Duchess of Cambridge, received the majority of her estate.
If and when the queen abdicates, her son, Prince Charles, will be the next in line to the throne. Following him is Prince William. That means Kate will marry the King of England, but she will not automatically become Queen.
Kate will be elevated to the position of Queen Consort when Prince William becomes King. It’s not quite the same as being queen, but it’s still a significant position.
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Queen Elizabeth clearly believes that being Queen Consort will entail a great deal of responsibility. Even though she may not ascend for decades, she is already preparing her granddaughter-in-law for the role. The queen has been gradually entrusting Kate with more and more responsibilities, including oversight of charities close to the queen’s heart.
The queen is clearly preparing Kate to be the monarchy’s second-highest royal by entrusting her with important royal responsibilities. Kate is getting a taste of what she’ll be in for. The queen wishes to train her while she is still able to advise her.
Will Kate Middleton have to bow to the future King William?

Kate has been given some roles that were previously hers by the queen. Kate, on the other hand, is not assuming the role of queen. When the time comes, she will be Queen Consort, a position that is significantly lower than that of King William.
Kate will be the only royal who will not be required to bow to the future King William as Queen Consort. The king does not bow to the Queen Consort.
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Everyone must bow to the reigning king or queen, with the exception of the Queen Consort. It’s a rule of the king.
Even Prince Phillip is currently required to bow to Queen Elizabeth. He may not agree with the rules, but he has not attempted to change them. He’s not opposed to breaking with tradition.
In the past, he has pushed for changes to the monarchy. He requested that the name of the queen’s royal house be changed from the House of Windsor to the House of Mountbatten.
Kate, on the other hand, will be required to bow to her husband at his coronation. Kate may be able to change things up if she feels that bowing to her husband is too humiliating. After all, Kate and Prince William are a modern couple, and not many modern women are subservient to their husbands.
The change has been done before. Princess Diana, Prince William’s mother, changed her wedding vows in a subtle but significant way. She was the first royal woman to say no to her husband’s request to “obey.”
She didn’t want to promise submission to a man who should be her equal because she was a modern woman. It was the first of many steps she planned to take to modernise royal tradition.
When the time comes, Kate would make an equally powerful statement by refusing to bow to her husband. While some people may want to recognise the monarchy, a marriage should be a partnership between equals.